Circuit Board Coating 

Some of the products we develop need to withstand the harshest environmental conditions. Examples are wearables for consumers, field and crop sensors for agriculture, and embedded systems for medical equipment. 
We have been manufacturing and applying conformal coatings to PCBs for over 20 years. Our experience in PCBA solutions for demanding environments has enabled us to perfect the processes that protect electronics in the field. 
What is a PCB Protective Coating? 
A conformal coating, also known as a PCB coating, is a protective coating applied to electronic circuits. This coating safeguards a PCB from environmental hazards, improving product reliability and extending its life.  
Circad has the experience to select the optimum conformal coating for an application, taking into the several factors such as material, thickness of coating, application method and matching the thermal expansion coefficient of coating and board. 
pcb coating spray
acrylic PCB coating

Types of Protective Coating 

Different types of conformal coatings have distinct characteristics, such as electrical and thermal properties, solvent resistance, and repairability. The ideal coating for any given application depends on the specific conditions in which the PCB will be used. 
The PCB coating could be one of a number of materials. Common ones include acrylic PCB coating spray and epoxy conformal coating. Click the link to learn more about the various types of conformal coating
There are limitations to the conditions that circuit board coating can protect against. Moisture protection is a key benefit but most circuit board coating spray is semi-permeable and not waterproof. However, they are effective against intermittent exposure to moisture, such as splashing. Total waterproofing can be achieved through PCB potting
In addition to moisture, circuit board coating offers protection from heat, humidity, UV light, chemicals, and abrasion. 
At Circad Design we leverage our decades of experience to deliver high-quality, reliable PCB protective coating that protect your electronics in even the harshest environments.